Chapter 38

Kashi hadn't gone camping since she was little, but at Felix's insistence, the three siblings set up a tent in the backyard of her uncle's house. They set up the large tent right outside the patio where they'd kindled a fire with Auntie Cee and uncle Hudson. And while they were missing her dad and Nathan, they hadn't let that stop them from enjoying good old fashioned s'mores in the lawn chairs under the stars. Kashi could count it in one of her fondest memories, especially in the recent weeks. Even her uncle seemed to relax, having been quite uptight and irritable the last few weeks.

Scott told them about his adventures off wherever he'd been. He'd gotten his motorcycle license, a dream of Felix's. He didn't bring the motorcycle but he promised Felix a ride the next time he saw him. Kashi shook her head. She knew her dad would have a heck of a time convincing Felix that they were too dangerous.

The three siblings finally relaxed in the tent as best they could, the boys voting to give Kashi the air mattress after she threatened to pull pranks all night on them. Felix tried to negotiate, but Kashi was having none of it.

"We haven't camped out in the backyard in a long time." Felix said after he finally gave up his entreaties to Kashi about the mattress. "Too bad Nathan couldn't come."

"Yeah," Scott trailed off. "He's not doing so well now. I thought it was best to let him be."

Felix sighed. "Why are you guys so mad at dad anyway? Isn't it more fun when we're all together?"

Kashi waited for Scott to shut them down, but to her surprise, he sighed and nodded, the flashlight casting shadows on his face as he moved. "I guess I owe you an explanation." He scratched at a mosquito bite on his arm. "You remember the business deal that you've been investigating Kashi? Well dad made me his junior partner of sorts. I sided with Uncle Hudson though when dad argued with him about pulling out of the deal. We knew how much we all stood to lose. But uncle Hudson and I decided that it just wasn't going to work. Hughes is dangerous and the fact that dad worked with him—"

"Yes but the roles have switched now so—"

Scott interrupted, less gently, "Kashi, dad isn't who you think he is, okay? Sure, maybe he's turned into a better man, but that doesn't erase what he did before."

"But you're still okay hanging out with Uncle Hudson?" Kashi prodded.

"I know that he'd got good reason to deal with Hughes, Kashi."

"What, so dad is still the bad guy, because he sided with Hughes back when you were a teenager or something? He can't change for the better, but Uncle Hudson can't change for the worse? Dad got shot! I have been threatened over this Scott! What happens next? Would he—?"

"Shut up Kashi!" Scott stood up, hitting his head on the lantern suspended from the top of the tent. "I thought you of all people would understand. Just stay out of the case and stay away from me while you're at it." He rubbed his head with his hand unceremoniously. "Sorry I have to go so soon Felix. Don't be a stranger." He leveled one last stare at Kashi before marching out of the tent.

Felix had his arms crossed, his eyebrows downward, but he was looking at the floor. Kashi couldn't tell if he was thinking, or trying not to cry, or both.

"Felix look—"

"It's okay Kashi." he said quietly, so unlike his normal self. "I know why you were mad. It was just so nice to be together again." He rolled over in his sleeping bag, facing the side of the tent signaling to Kashi that he didn't want to talk.

Not wanting to ruin things any further, she turned off the lantern and laid down on her back, sinking down into the sleeping bag. The air mattress squeaked every time she moved. She didn't want to annoy Felix, but she continued to shift around, unable to get comfortable. She knew it wasn't just the fact that she was sleeping outside in a bag.

Scott had been furious. There had to have been more between their dad and Scott. Plus, he also knew about the deal. It bothered her so much. What exactly was so secretive about this deal? They lived in a small town where nothing was a secret, but Kashi couldn't find anyone that knew what the secret was, and even if they knew, they wouldn't tell her. She had wracked her brain endlessly for solutions, considering every horrible illegal deal she could think of, but she had no concrete proof of anything. And now the letters she'd had were stolen back, her dad had been shot… all she had was some old lousy photo. Hughes had been a step ahead of them the whole time and it both frightened and angered her.

She pulled out her phone and sent Carr a goodnight text. He sent her a smiley face back. It eased her anxieties a little bit to know he was okay. If her uncle did think she was backing off the case, Hughes wouldn't have a reason to harm Sierra or Carr. She knew Sierra was fine, they'd been texting each other all day. She debated sending a message to Matthias, but decided against it. Matthias was fine.

Kashi closed her eyes, listening to the crickets and other nighttime animals creeping around in the dark. She'd figure it out. She had to.