New Beginnings 1

Week 6 Day 6 Clayden

The next day, Clayden, the fifth day of the week, Sky was awake, dressed, and waiting for Instructor Drakkon before the time he usually came in to wake her. As she was waiting, a knock sounded on her front door startling her. Instructor Drakkon never usually knocked. He just barged in and hammered on her bedroom door.

Cautiously, half-fearing attack, Sky opened the door a crack. On the other side was Dain and West. Dain's hand was raised to knock again, and West had a bag in his right hand. Sky opened the door the rest of the way. The right side of West's mouth lifted as his eyebrows lowered and he tilted his head to the side. He looked over her. Dain stared at her with wide eyes that roved up and down her body.

"Good morning." Sky said brightly. Dain's surprised expression fell into a soft smile. West frowned.

"G-good morning, Sky." Dain stammered. "Are you alright?" Sky shifted her weight on her feet and reached a hand up to scratch her wig. It was itchy today.

"Of course, why wouldn't I be?"

"Then you did see Mia?" West asked. "Can we come in? We have breakfast." He lifted the bag in his hand. Sky stepped back and smiled warmly at the prospect of food.

She asked, "Who's Mia?" as she walked to the kitchen to get water for them to drink. West headed to the dining room table and put the bag down. Dain joined Sky in the kitchen.

"Mia is the school's Chief Healer." West answered. "She probably would have been the one to heal you. She's got long blond hair and is really pr-" He cut off and blushed.

Sky called over the faucet, "I heal like a creature, so I didn't need to see her." West frowned at her then began pulling the boxes out of the bag as she and Dain came over with the waters. They sat and began eating. Dain had the biggest smile Sky had ever seen him wear on his face as he ate. It made her smile in return. West, however, was watching Dain with a mildly irritated expression.

After a few minutes, Sky asked, "So Dain, how did your challenge go? I didn't get the chance to ask before." Dain looked up at her with wide eyes. He swallowed and said, "Good, I won." Sky smiled.

"That's awesome. Great job!" She took another bite of her breakfast. Dain blushed to his roots and busied himself with his food. "How did you do it?" He looked up at her, his mouth full.

West answered for him, "He kept up a barrage of shadow bolts while he closed with his sword. Then, he feinted and hit him with immolation." Sky stared at West and then smiled.

"That's so Elemental! I wish I could have seen it."

"I'm fighting in another!" Dain announced breathlessly. West turned to him surprise written on his face. Dain looked at him. "I- I told you about it before." West smiled slightly.

"Right, I just forgot."

Sky cheerily asked, "Can I come watch this one?" Dain frowned and stammered and unintelligible reply. West watched his brother for a moment.

"He meant to say he'll tell you what happens. He has a bit of stage fright." Dain's shoulders hunched as he blushed and stared at his food. His right hand shook it was clenched so tightly around his fork. "So, what did you mean about healing like a creature?" West asked after a few moments.

"Oh, you know how when you're injured, if you go to sleep, you'll wake up all better? I do that too." Sky replied with a proud smile. Both West and Dain looked at her in silence after she finished speaking. Sky looked between them, her smile faltering. She opened her mouth to speak again.

"Of course." West said finally, with a cool smile. He glanced at Dain who had gone back to eating while wearing a small smile. West frowned and resumed eating as well. Sky smiled to herself. It was nice to eat with friends.

After another lull in the conversation, Sky began asking them how class was going. Both West and Dain were doing quite well. They had received full marks in the areas they were gifted in. West had fought in four challenges and lost only once, so he'd gained sixty-two point from the fights. Dain had only fought in the one challenge, but he'd won so he gained twenty-five points. Sky wanted to fight in a challenge too, but she didn't know enough magic to win. When she told them this, they both froze and stared at her for a moment before West informed her that females didn't fight in challenges.

When they finished eating, Sky quickly grabbed her books. Then they all headed for the classroom.


Clayden morning, the day of the weekly exercise tests, Instructor Drakkon was waiting for Sky when she arrived at the classroom.

"I have been informed," he said coldly, "that the Chancellor has assigned you to class 1-S1." Sky stared at him in disbelief.

"Well did you tell him I belonged in this class?" She asked her tone sharp.

Instructor Drakkon crossed his arms over his chest and said, "Of course not. Humans belong in class S. It is in room 201. Now, go." Sky frowned and for the first time in a long time she considered not doing as she was told. Then she looked again at the cold, angry expression on Instructor Drakkon's face and sighed. She went to room 201.