Did I Survive?

Sky was walking to the Outdoor Practice Courts on Clayden when the crystals chimed. Felicity's voice swiftly followed them listing ten students and ordering them to report to the Chancellor's office. The blood drained from Sky's face as Felicity said her name. Sky had to take several deep breaths before she could feel her legs again. These were them; the final cuts of the term and her name had just been called. Feeling as though the world had shifted on its axis, Sky changed direction.


      Apparently, she was the last to arrive at the Chancellor's office. The other students called had formed a line before Felicity's desk. Sky joined them. Her hung head and hunched shoulders were a mirror of the male in front of her. 

      Long minutes passed as she waited her turn at the desk. Each student stepped up and was handed their termination paperwork. They then hurried away down the hall or disappeared in a burst of light. Finally, it was Sky's turn.