Week 6 - 7

Just then, the door slammed open with a bang. Vaeryn stood in the doorway breathing hard with a murderous expression on his face. His eyes took in Sky's exposed waist. 

"What the other are you doing, Farandell?" He demanded. The blue-haired male's expression became innocent. 

"As her Papa, I must check her for injuries regularly." The male said. 

Vaeryn's jaw clenched, "You are not her Papa." The male pouted. Sky released her shirt. 

"I feel like her Papa. Why isn't that enough? I just want to keep her safe and happy." 

"By making her strip for you?" Vaeryn countered. 

The blue-haired male blew out a breath from his nose and crossed his arms over his chest. "Have you seen how adorable she is? I just want to-"

"She is a person, not some golem you made. That was inappropriate enough. Now you're impersonating her father?" The male, who Sky now realized was none other than Farandell Nox, was not to be dissuaded.