The Cause Of Every Pain

"If it hurts you so much, what kind of love is this?"


When I opened my eyes, I couldn't tell where I was at first, so I scratched my eyes and looked around carefully. I wasn't in my room, that was for sure. I was in the first-floor living room of our home, which belonged to Pars and me, and I was laying on the long leather sofa with my clothes on. He was asleep on the single leather sofa sitting with his neck bent.

It made me feel weird since I've never seen him in this state, completely defenseless, but he looked so innocent. He looked innocent in a way he shouldn't have, and I wanted to wipe the innocence off his ignorant face for no reason. Innocence did not suit him.

I still felt sleepy, but I didn't want to sleep in the living room or my room, so I quietly climbed the stairs and made my way to the roof. A cold wind blew through my hair as I climbed the stairs to the roof and laid under the clear, dark sky.