The Dead Sun Of Darkness

We were both silent when we arrived in front of the big door of the main headquarters. Pars left me behind and quickly climbed the stairs and gave me one last look in the face before walking through the large open door. "I got a couple of things to do, I have to take care of them. You wander inside, get what you want. I'll pay for what you get later." I was confused when he walked in and disappeared before I could even answer him. First, why did he leave me here alone? Secondly, why was the great entrance door of the main headquarters, which was always closed and guarded, wide open? Third, what was there to take inside?

I guess my legs moved because my mind that wanted to know the answers to my questions immediately, and I climbed the stairs and entered the big door. The moment I entered the main headquarters, what I should normally see was the quiet and long bright corridor, but what I saw was something I would never have expected.