I Remember It

My name is Reverie Alenas. The day I was born I was given the power of God: to create and to destroy. For a long time, I did not learn to use these powers. I was in pain when I discovered one of the powers, I destroyed half a whole city with my foster family. However, all I wanted was to see the sun and be free. So if you live with two monsters for a long time, you eventually turn into a monster. I apologize to all the creatures I killed because I was in pain and couldn't control my powers. I don't know if you can hear me, but I really didn't want any of you to die like this.

Since the day I learned that I killed you, I have died many times inside myself, but I can't go in front of you and say that because what I did would be absolutely brazen. After all, it is not so important that someone dies inside of him than that he actually dies.