Server opening

On the 23rd floor, in the new offices of the virtual reality department, Selene led the rest of the employees in preparation for the launch of the first beta test.

"Sis Selene, preparations are ready, the server will open in 30 minutes"

"Good job, I know it was difficult, but we did it," Selene said as she looked at the other members of the department

"By the way Selene, you know where the boss is, we haven't seen him for more than ten days"

"The last I know is that it was with the development team to direct it from there and that if we have questions we will contact him from the network"

"I hope that he is okay"

Seeing the rest of the employees somewhat worried, Selene told them to calm down, that everything would be fine.

"With the publicity work we did during this week we managed to generate a lot of expectation, we have to prepare ourselves because when the 150 beta testers test the game, the emails will begin to arrive "

"I still don't understand why just select so few people?"

"You have tried it, with such capabilities it is not strange that the development team has problems with the servers"

"The good thing that we managed to set aside 15 places"

"I see you Lin, don't even think you can escape and go to play the game until we can solve this crisis of emails that do not stop arriving"


"No buts, first we should not even play since it is a game of our company"


"Rebecca, how are the forums?"

"Just as saturated"

"What about live broadcasts? Did Deimos say something? "

"Nothing yet"

"{Sigh} I guess the development team is too busy with the launch to make a platform for it, for now, let's do our part and hopefully they will soon have it ready."


With less than 10 minutes for the servers to open, Deimos was sitting in his room with his noble clotes in the fortress doing nothing while he waited for the players to enter while he chatted with Abaddon about the requests Yin had sent him.

"By the way Abaddon, why did you decide to ignore Selene's request?"

[Are you kidding me boy? With my current power, I hardly can maintain the soul transmission between worlds]

Understanding that sending video and audio between worlds would require a great deal of power, Deimos sighed.

[Remember boy, those players after killing something or just being here will be able to collect essence which will allow me to release more of my power] Abaddon said while reminding Deimos that they were taking more than 95% of the essence that those players collect.

"{Sigh} I just hope we can keep order when those humans come in."

[Easy boy, I was the one who created their avatars, and being inside you, you only need to release a little of your power as I showed you before and everyone will stay as still as statues]

"... and is it really necessary for me to act that way?"

Knowing what Deimos was referring to, Abaddon told him that he didn't see what was wrong with that, that all mortals behave that way to motivate the troops as he remembers.

"But now you only see people behaving like this in plays"

[It's your decision boy, but if you do that later it will be easier for you to invent things and events to keep the players entertained]

"... {sigh}"

Without saying anything else, Deimos left the fortress within a minute of the launch, but even after ten minutes no one had appeared in front of the fortress yet, which was strange to him since Selene had told him in her last report that the server should have opened 10 minutes ago "Why hasn't anyone shown up yet?"

[Take a seat boy, those mortals tend to worry too much about how they look so they can spend days customizing their appearance]

"Then we will lose even more time?"

[No, I made sure that players could change their appearance by 20% at most, it shouldn't take much longer]

Understanding that he could do nothing, Deimos followed Abaddon's advice.

Soon a beam of light appeared in the square in front of the fortress showing the first official player wearing a linen shirt and pants along with leather boots.

Just as Deimos was preparing to greet him from the top of the stairs in front of the gatehouse, the player spoke.

"I don't believe it, the advertising was telling the truth, I have to put this on the forums"

And just as it appeared, the player disappeared leaving Deimos confused, who luckily for him soon other beams of light began to appear in the square

"I don't believe it, the advertising was telling the truth"

"What? will you disconnect to post it in the forums?"

"No, who would do something so stupid before choosing his nickname"

"You're right"

"Aside, according to the character creation AI, we must swear allegiance in front of the fortress, I will be the first, I Deimos Cornerstone -"


"What was that?"

"Hahaha, the idiot did not read the warning on the official site, if we try to use the name of any of the protagonists as our nickname, lightning will kill us"

"{Fow} thank goodness I didn't"

"Well, the five senses work perfectly, the whole immersion thing was true, I wonder if the physics of this world will be similar to reality"

{Booom} "There goes another one who didn't read"

"Hey, why can't we get out of the square, I want to go kill a couple of undead"


"Good thing I reduced the sensitivity to pain to a minimum, otherwise this broken arm would hurt too much"

"That's nothing, some guys tried to make a ladder-climbing on their shoulders to test the fall damage, one broke their neck and died instantly"


"By the way, where do we see the levels? And the skills? "

"Didn't you read the official page? There are no classes here, everything is based on your skills in real life and some auto skills that move your body on its own, also if you die you lose all the equipment and objects that you have on top "

"Really? So hardcore? "


"Hey, you saw that NPC, he is super attractive and more with that vampire hunter coat"

"He is the protagonist of the story of the game ... That he was not a vampire?" Why would he wear vampire hunter clothes? "

"Who cares as long as he looks good"


"Kartas looked around and could see that he was in the domain of a vampire, gray, cloudy, and feeling as if he could snow at any moment ...

Looking at the ruins around him as he clenched his fists, he remembered when a horde of undead invaded his home and had to abandon his beliefs as a paladin to free those he swore to protect from their pain ... "

"Dude, if you want to roleplay do it elsewhere"

"I wonder if the map is as massive as they say in the forums, according to them it is 10 times bigger than our planet, a shame that for now, we can only explore a small part"


[Well boy, in front of you is our last hope}


Thus, during the next 10 minutes, Deimos heard the players swear allegiance to the Cornerstone clan, the lightning strikes sporadically and other mundane talks, seeing that most of the players had already connected, he advanced releasing a little bloodlust

"Hey? What happens because we can't move? "

"Lag? Bug? "

"Shhh the NPC is getting closer, maybe it's an event"

"It seems"

Seeing that the players had indeed become completely still and were beginning to be silent, Deimos internally sighed and began his speech.

"Citizens of another world, thank you for heeding my sudden call"

"Whenever you want handsome"

"Shut up"

"What does it matter, it's a cinematic, nothing will happen"

"But if it says something related to a mission, we can miss it"

Ignoring the shouts of several players and the murmurs, Deimos continued "Heroes, the world is in great danger, although now the Cornerstone clan is in exile we must stand firm with the forces of order and prepare to repel the forces of chaos at any moment"

Saying that, Deimos quickly changed the aura around him to one more depressed and continuous, "Or so I would like to say, I recently discovered that the gods of order betrayed our planar guardian, I don't know what their intentions were in doing so."

Looking at the faces of the players to make sure he still held their attention he continued "Now here I ask all of you heroes from another world, help me free our guardian to regain the original order of our world, without him, I doubt we can resist against the forces of chaos "

"I know that now all of you are not yet capable of wielding all of your strength and that the Cornerstone clan is not even the shadow of what it was, but we have no choice if we want to survive"

"Heroes! Strengthen yourselves fighting against the abominations of chaos, so too, help me restore this city to its former glory from centuries ago"

Raising his voice and showing determination, Deimos finished his speech and with Abaddon's help assigned them various missions, releasing the pressure he exerted on the players.


Main Mission: Get Strong

As you are now, you will not be able to last a second against the soldiers of chaos, follow the instructions of the vampire lord Deimos. Get stronger and help reestablish the city to have a safe place to sleep.

"Objective: Complete daily missions or hunt on your own to polish your skills, when you have collected enough essence, you can exchange it for skills or strengthen your body

Time limit: -

Note: Due to server problems, except for the vampire lord Deimos, the other NPCs are disabled, so to collect your basic welcome equipment go to the fortress armory

Note 2: If you all want those NPCs soon, collect a lot of essence ASAP



Daily Quest: End the Abominations of Chaos

Thanks to the strength of the vampire lord Deimos, the abominations of chaos cannot approach the stronghold, but they still haunt the bloody wastes to the north and east of the territory.

Hero gathers your allies and hunts down these abominations.

Objective: Hunt a total of 5 low-rank undead in the vicinity of the fortress

Rewards: 4 Essence / 1 Copper

Time limit: Until the start of the next day

Note: Try not to stray too far from the fortress as the enemies get stronger



Daily Mission: Kill the contaminated spiders

Thanks to the strength of the vampire lord Deimos, the corrupted spiders cannot approach the fortress, but they still prowl the cursed forests to the west of the territory.

Hero gathers your allies and hunt down these beasts and bring their exoskeletons.

Objective: Bring a total of 8 good spider legs, 2 shells, 6 fangs to the armory.

Rewards: 4 Essence / 1 Copper

Time limit: Until the start of the next day

Note: Try not to go too far into the forest as spiders tend to live in groups



Weekly Mission: Hunt Steppe Wolves

To the south of the territory, are the ash steppes. the habitat of thousands of steppe wolves, due to their relatively small size and reproductive capacities, will soon present a threat to the territory

Hero gathers your allies and hunt down these beasts and bring their skins and meat to feed the territory.

Objective: Bring a steppe wolf in good condition to the warehouse.

Rewards: 6 Essence / 2 Copper

Time limit: Until the beginning of the following week

Note: Steppe wolves live in groups of 12 to 15 members, so try to form a group before hunting them.



Repeatable missions:

Some corrupted spiders possess poison, extract and bring the poison sac intact to the armory to gain 1 magic essence per bag.

Along the western part of the territory you will find some abandoned mines and quarries, kill the undead that you find and bring a package of 10 kilos of material:

Two stone pack will reward 1 Essence

A copper or tin package will reward 1 Essence

An Iron Pack will reward 2 Essence / 1 Copper

A pack of silver or gold will reward 3 Essence / 1 Copper

Note: You can borrow a Pick from the Armory for 5 Essence / 2 Copper

Collect wood and bring it to the warehouses in the fortress, for every 5 kilos of wood collected you will get 1 essence

Help to cultivate the land in the lands marked by the system, for each square meter cleaned, plowed, and cultivated, 1 magic essence will be awarded and it will be marked, after a week you can collect what you planted and earn 5 additional magic essence, if not you collect the assigned fields, these will become public for anyone

Fishing and for every 2 kilos of fish you will get one of essence / 1 Copper

Follow the system's instructions and clear the surroundings of the fortress to start building a wall.


"These are missions?"



"It's time to farm!"

"My lord, you can take all of my essence"

"Out of my way, I will be the first highest level in the world"

"Dude, there are no levels here"
