Mines expedition 1

"Whaaa damn it!" a girl yelled as she removed her virtual reality headset.

Seeing this, the two maids who were waiting in her room helped her to sit up and wipe her non-existent sweat from her forehead while another one started combing her hair.

Calming down a bit the girl looked at her assistant who was waiting next to her before getting up from her bed, and while she walked towards a bathtub that the maids had prepared she began to speak "Sara, how was it? ? Did you manage to find something else from those who made the game? "

Listening to the girl the assistant approached and after adjusting her glasses she reported "Miss, unfortunately, we have not been able to discover any new information ... DawnGrape's reports do not indicate any connection with that company or developing team"

"I see..." Said the girl who after removing her robe entered the water and lying down while playing with one of the flower petals that floated on the water continued "Something else?"

"Unfortunately no, even the information of the new employees is completely hidden, it is as if they appeared out of nowhere two weeks ago"

"You say that Deimos don't you?" The girl asked as she stretched out her arm which was cleaned with a towel by one of the maids

"Yes Miss, all traces of him disappear after the incident with the Pink moth group that have a relation with the car accident that the director Oak suffer that day"

Sighing at the lack of information, the girl got up from the bathtub and while she was stretching she continued "Let's just leave it like that, they even left the agents you sent to watch them the other day unconscious, besides, I don't want my grandfather to scold me for two hours like that time "


"Well, I'll be in the game for a couple more hours." Said the girl while the maids dressed her in a new robe "By the way Sara, one more thing"

"What is Miss?"

"Contact that Moneybag bitch's assistant"

"What do you need from Miss Jean?" The assistant asked a little confused at the girl's request since she knew that the two of them, despite having been childhood friends, had not spoken to each other for more than two years.

"We agreed to buy some shares of DawnGrape"

"Miss, I don't think the old master will approve the budget to intervene with the director Oak's business ..."

Seeing her assistant, the girl sat on the edge of the bed while the maids dried her hair and continued speaking "I know that grandfather appreciates the son of his old friend, if not why would he and those other elders wipe those Pink Moths off the map"

"What we are looking for is not to buy his shares but that of other investors, we want to make sure that no one gets involved in our new source of entertainment"

"I see Miss ... although I still doubt that the master or the old master will approve that"

Hearing that the girl smiled slightly and leaning forward a little spoke "I know how stubborn my grandfather is, that's why I told you to contact her assistant, between the two of us we will use our private accounts so that none of our grandpas find about it "

"Are you sure that will be enough Miss?"

"It should be, in case you need more money contact Arthur. If he refuses, just tell him one of Jean's favorite desserts and he should lend us some money.

"If that is not enough then schedule some surgeries for the next week, also if investors get difficult ... convince them"

"Very well"

Seeing that her assistant had understood everything, the girl took the virtual reality headset and sighed while she put it on.

[After obtaining these actions, the first thing I will entrust them will be to develop a virtual reality capsule to be able to play more comfortably]

After that, a flash of light appeared in front of her and she soon found herself in the square in front of the fortress, seeing that she had lost all of her equipment in the river sighed and after a few seconds she heard someone calling her

"Hey Strawberry, over here!"

Looking at the muscle mass which was delicately cleaning a small ax from the rust Strawberry laughed slightly before speaking "hahaha sorry Gron I wanted to stretch for a while and what about with that ax?"

"It is a throwing ax, I wanted to buy a bigger one but the system did not allow me since they are all assigned to cut wood or build ..."

Approaching the group Strawberry sat next to Baguette and Moneybag and I ask them why there were so few players.

"Do you really hope there were so many after that hell?"

"I know, but we had planned this since yesterday, right? At least I was hoping that some more would show up ..."

"Sis Strawberry, I think they will come later"

"I hope so ... by the way, where is Goblin?"

"In the fortress, he went with Mudshaper to get some information and take equipment for the group."

"Are they not more expensive now? How could they get so many?"

"Goblin spent all the essence the day before buying equipment and food before the patch, he originally planned that we pay him with materials"

After that, the group continued talking while they waited for AWellInformedGoblin and Mudshaper who soon left the fortress carrying a pair of rawhide backpacks and some weapons for the rest of the group.

Distributing the equipment and the backpacks with food and basic survival gear, AWellInformedGoblin together with Mudshaper addressed the group

"Well, it seems that we are all who will participate in the first round so I will begin to explain the objective of our raid"

Making sure that he had the attention of the other members of the group, AWellInformedGoblin continued "As you know, Mudshaper got some benefits for the construction missions, among them is some information"

"What the NPC told us is that currently, the goblins have sent several extermination groups to the mines, so it is certain that we will find stronger and more organized goblins from now on"

After that, AWellInformedGoblin count the members of the group and continued "Originally more than 100 players had signed up for this raid, but after that training, the vast majority need to rest, that's why we decided to do this exploration in three waves"

"Until the second raid that we managed to put together connects in three hours there are only 16 of us, after that, we will need to wait until tomorrow for the rest of the players to connect"

"So for now, we will divide ourselves into three groups, two groups of six in the vanguard and a group of four in the rear that will serve as support"

"Wouldn't two groups of eight be better?"

"No, as you know, we will go to the mines, they are made up of networks of tunnels that are interconnected, so it is necessary to react quickly in case something happens, also as I said, we will be alone until the second group comes. "

Seeing that the group had understood the reason for the division, AWellInformedGoblin continued

"In the first group will be Mudshaper, Mint mountain, Baguette, Loopstar, Norg and Arthur"

"In the second we will be, Moneybag, Goblinslayer, Fasterone, Jhon, Karthas, and me"

"Last in the rear will be Gron, Strawberry, Firstflower, and Splitbullet, any questions?"

Hearing that he would be in the rear, Gron asked why they even need a rear, which Mintmountain replied

"We need it since it is very likely that while we fight, the goblins will try to attack us from behind, also Goblin said that you would fulfill another function"

"That's right, as you know from now on it will be more difficult to accumulate essence so reviving or healing others is more expensive, but thanks to other players we discovered that if we treat wounds before healing or reviving others, we will spend less"

Looking at the group of four, AWellInformedGoblin continued "For this reason the rearguard in addition to covering our backs, in case of emergency they will treat the wounded during the fight"

"During the fight?"

Hearing the question AWellInformedGoblin nodded before continuing "As Mudshaper mentioned, the goblins will be better organized and will not always charge to us and die, so the fights may drag on and we will not be able to revive the fallen due to being in combat"

"That's why we can't have players bleed to death in the middle of the fight, right?"


Confirming that all members were ready and understood their roles, AWellInformedGoblin took one last look at the group.

"Remember, we are the first phase of this exploration so we will be at least 3 hours alone in those mines before the second group comes to support us, so if you do not have time or believe that you will not be able to last until dawn, now is the time to say it ... well if there is nothing else let's depart "

With this, the first large-scale expedition of the players began.
