23: Defiled my commands

Orva shyly took the fork and knife set beside her plate which she assumed was Sinclair's doing. She started to cut gently into the meat than the way she did in their absence, of course, she had to make a good impression outside, that's when her manners kick in. Orva did notice the serving on her plate was different from the one Ronald gave her. 

Instead of macaroni pasta and rice, her plate was filled with more meat and fish assorted with less pasta just like Sinclair's plate. Orva imagined the coincidence because she had always cherished that kind of serving from childhood, staying with her terrifying uncle made her drop most of the things she once loved and she had to survive on whatever scrap she was served.

"Sinclair, you- you are one of a kind." Ronald said while serving himself another portion of pasta, rice and fish.

"What do you mean by that?" Sinclair asked while gracefully and expertly drinking from his wine cup.