Arc 1: Cannon Fodder Gentle Older Sister Counterattacking On The Reborn Younger Sister

Oh my dear,

How I wish I could remember you.

Remembering the blossoming memories of our previous lives.

Our lives are ethereal but it is also us who chose to live like that to begin with

But there are no regrets,

Because there is you

Filling my dull life with many colourful flowers.

Oh my beloved,

Your one slight touch makes my soul tremble,

Your voice is the best soothing medicine for me,

Your presence is the best warmth for me,


You are the one and only to me.

The gentleness over the years,

We have given to each other are deep engraved in our bone marrows.

Before, I had no home because there was no you

But the home you gave was the best I could ever want

The plain water you gave tasted of sweetness

The bitter lemon you gave me tasted like honey,

You are first to get my heart and you will also be the last one.

Oh my sweetheart,

I will let you go away this once,

I will let you fly in the open sky this once,

Open your golden wings and fly with them,

They are dazzling,


Let me follow you my queen to the end of eternity,

Let me share the pain of death with you my lady,

I will guard you with all my might,

I will also guard your beautiful heart as well.

Remember, no matter where you are, my lover

I will forever be here for you.

My love for you will last forever, my dear wife.

Goodbye sweetheart.

We will meet again.....

-Mysterious Male Lead


Today, Yu Meng was in a good mood, hence decided to take a stroll in the space hall. But, with her unworldly beauty, she naturally attracted many bees and butterflies, so she walked in large strides but just as she was about to turn right, she felt a strong force squashing her whole body to ground.

"What is happening-" Yu Meng frowned in pain and gradually her consciousness faded away.

When Yu Meng woke up, she was in white space, with girl around eight years old sitting on the ground. The girl stared at Yu Meng with her watery eyes and said in an adorable voice: "Host…host…Meng Jie Jie…uhm, why are you sitting in a daze like that, did something wrong happened?"

Yu Meng dully scanned up her surroundings and then silently stared at the cute little girl in front of her. Something flashed in her eyes, but it was just for a moment, that even she, herself didn't realize it. She took a long deep breath and then indifferently asked: "System, when I was taking stroll in space hall, did you set up something up to squash me up to death?"

"Host…if I didn't take any actions, you wouldn't start your tasks. And yet you are going out in the space hall to stroll. How can I just sit down and watch!" The Lovely system tried to defend herself from her scary host.

As for Yu Meng, she raised her slender eyebrows and chuckled slightly: "Ok, enough of your nonsense. How about this I give you a name right now? I can't call you system forever, can I? It will be very boring, you know."

"Really host, you are the best! So, host then what kind of name you are going to give me?" The system happily rolled on the ground.

"If you stop rolling on the ground, then only can I give you a good name." Yu Meng had a bright smile on her face as she played with her hair.

"Oops, sorry host…" The system stopped rolling on the ground and sat down properly and looked at Yu Meng with expectations.

"From now on, your name will be Xue Yun. Do you like it?" Yu Meng plainly said.

"Xue Yun…Xue Yun…wow! Sound very good! Host, Thanks!" Xue Yun smiled brightly, but she soon went anxious after noticing her host was in a bad mood. Recently, her cheerful host, Yu Meng is becoming more peculiar and quiet after finishing the tasks. Her host always used to had a smile on her beautiful face when she first arrived in space void.

But afterwards going through those betrayals by the ones she trusted in each the most, she became very dull and rarely has the smile on her face from the past.

"Sys-No…no…Xue Yun, do you know how was my life before I came here? I had a younger sister…no, she was my father's illegitimate child. But, even though she was my father's illegitimate daughter, I always treated her as my own biological sister.

The first time when I met her, I thought, I had a younger sister, whom I could play with, talk with and spend my time with but after sometime later, I was found out that I had congenital heart disease, I was weak at that time, but I never let my younger sister be bullied.

Then again, she told me that she wanted to start her own company and asked me for help and without any hesitation, I agreed…

This is one of the things, I regret the most in my life.

After agreeing to help, I started to work like a workaholic and within 3 years her company went into the ranking of 20 best companies in the world. I was good at many things and all my life I never spent my life freely…

And then she showed me her true face.

After all, the blissful days in the past were beautiful facades…

While she became a goddess for everyone, I become a bitch, who schemes against her sister.

But she, who regarded I as my family, was indifferent to it, she even said that I was just a loathsome woman in her eyes. She said…I didn't even held the qualification to wash her clothes for her….

And I had congenital heart disease after all, I was even feebler than a new born baby. She took away my medicine for me and I died from an heart attack.

That's why I feel very sad and depressed when being abandoned…

That's why I feel very disappointed in those people who betrays me…

If I can't live freely, what's the use of living…

So, I decided that I will live myself properly…even if it means destroying the worlds. I will destroy those beasts into thousand pieces who betrayed me and those who abandoned me..." Yu Meng said, her face filled with determination and undisguised resentment flashed through her phoenix-narrow eyes.