Arc 1: Cannon Fodder Gentle Older Sister Counterattacking On The Reborn Younger Sister

The fact is that Yu Meng is originally sensitive towards emotions and the aura around the people, literally like when she found a trace of loneliness around Qing Yuan and when she discovered the sense of doom around Cheng Sinan.

And this man, although he has an exact appearance of a beggar, his eyes shone even brightly than the stars in the starry sky as well as contained many unknown secrets and was filled with wisdom of a elegant scholar.

What's more is that, how did he come inside the Fang Mansion despite the security measures? Yu Meng instantly put her guard on and observed the man quietly, who was lost in his thoughts.

Yu Meng impatiently popped her dainty chin on the center of her palm and softly said, "Hey, don't day dream now."

The man embarrassedly scratched his hair and slowly spoke, his voice quiet as a whisper, "I can do business management, few administration skills and I can speak 6 or so language….nearly all of them are European.

I can also design some outfits for occasions and do some photography…."

These skills actually seemed very amazing and what's more this guy is a beggar, but what Yu Meng focused on was when he said that he could design clothes. She currently needed a expert fashion designer to open a company with, she will be the boss; the latter will be the employee, sounds good, right?

And so, why does she need skilful fashion designer to open her company with and why can't she do it herself?

It is of course go against Fu Xing, Fang Qingfei's company, which is mainly based on the field of fashion designing. However, although Yu Meng's designing skill is almost has no flaw, but in the future, she won't have the time to both run the company and do designing on heads up with Fang Qingfei.

She just needed the designer to be loyal to her and a reliable person, who she can make her company's head designer to relay upon for the future battle.

Even though Yu Meng was delighted inside, but she still manged to squeeze out a aloof smile on her blooming face. Nevertheless, she still needs to test his level of mastery.

"Cool, but I need to check your level of proficiency. And what I want is you to be my company's fashion designer if you have the skills to. You are ready to do so if you want to prove your abilities…."Yu Meng stated mildly.

'This person is not simple as he seems but who cares as long as he can be loyal to me and my company.'

"Um…and what is your name?" And who are you, well this is what she wanted to say but didn't voice it out as she didn't want to make the poor guy uncomfortable by reminiscing about the past.

"My name is Huo Weisan," Huo Weisan politely smiled, naturally his actions were a bit respectful than before. "As for proving my abilities for designing …how about I draw model design for one of my outfits?" He paused for a bit before he continued.

Yu Meng gave it a thought and understandingly nodded, "You can come into the shed in our garden and stay there for this one night and we can see what happens tomorrow." Then she opened the door of the garden with trying on a bunch of keys as she succeeded on her 8th try.

Yu Meng led Huo Weisan through the lush and shadowy backyard and finally saw the shed in a narrow corner. She opened the door as both she and Huo Weisan entered the shed. Yu Meng turned around and said with a light smile on her face, "I will bring you the necessary equipment for the drawing."

Huo Weisan slightly nodded his head, as a awkward silence instantly filled the room. Yu Meng also felt awkwardness surrounding her, so exited the shed first and direct went into her room to look for the art equipment.

After she searched around the whole, she didn't found a single thing related to art and why is it so?

Well, of course it is because the original Fang Ying never studied art or designing, so Yu Meng had to ask Xue Yun for help.

"No art equipment here…where will I find them? Xue Yun, do you have a way to give me the things?" Yu Meng impatiently asked the system, who was quiet for a long time.

Xue Yun pondered for a bit and then replied, "Host…I check the system market but I didn't find anything related to what you need."

Grumbling in displeasure, Yu Meng bit her lips, but soon her beautiful phoenix eyes lit up, as an idea struck her mind, "Wait, Fang Ying probably has the all things I need, then why not just 'borrow' some of her things, after all I am her 'older sister'."