Arc 1: Cannon Fodder Gentle Older Sister Counterattacking On The Reborn Younger Sister

This world is malevolent with countless wonders

Unfathomable mysteries became unspoken secrets

Many wonder what they are; who are they?...

Questions after questions but not a trace of the answers…

There is good; so there is evil

Maybe we just want to live well…

Such a feat is easily archived by others but…

We have to quietly pursue it for the rest our lives

Dreams make us who we are...

This small happiness makes us encourage to live…

Human beings are the easiest to understand

But their hearts are also the most complicated thing to work out…

The human themselves are mysterious… By Me- The Author.....


Huo Weisan's Point of View: (Sorry to all the readers who were confused because I didn't specifically write down which point of view it was from).

I reached out for the laptop and when I looked through the news, I instantly widened my eyes astonishment. My parents were accused of committing bribery, abusing their power to harm people and mostly importantly of all....T-TREASON?!

My parents.....

They-they…then will be arrested…arrested…..

But why…why!

I swear to God, they never did any of the things the news mentioned! Both of my parents were loyal to the Chinese Government, why would they be accused like this!

That moment, I was very…very mad. I could barely supress the anger during the flight to China. I took a deep breath to calm myself down first and turned to find my Sabrina anxiously looking at me. I forced a smile for her, just for her…..and closed my eyes to take a small break.

When I woke up from my long nap, the plane already landed in the airport, me and Sabrina quickly took all of her luggage and exited the airport. I was about to call home to tell them to send a driver to pick us up, but thinking about what was happening right now, me and Sabrina hired a taxi and straight went to Huos' Villa .

When we arrived and got out of the taxi, we saw a bunch of reporters swarming in-front of the Huos' Villa.

The bunch of annoying reporters were again and again asking nonsensical questions about my parents. I was actually ready to punch everyone right in-front of now.

But before I could use violence, a police siren resounded from the distance and I immediately got the idea of what was going to happen.

I tried to rush inside the Villa but I was stopped by the polices from the sidelines, so I could only helplessly watch my parents be arrested.

I felt very sad and dejected, and more mad at myself, that I couldn't do anything…nothing. I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder and saw it was Sabrina.

She was there for me and she is still here for me, so I shouldn't give up. "Weisan, let's go inside and talk with your other family members, maybe they can help. And you should take a good rest today, you probably exhausted yourself because of the journey."

I weakly nodded my head and entered the house…the same house I haven't been to for many years. But before I could do anything, I felt my vision blacken suddenly.



I can't move my hands or feet, even my mouth is taped.

Now, what the hell is going on!

Wasn't I in the Huos' Villa with Sabrina? Why am I here then and where is Sabrina?

When I looked around, I noticed that I was alone in a dark windowless room, well like those typical horror movie ones.

Wait, does this means I am actually kidnapped…no way…kidnapped in my own home? How can this be possible, unless someone from our own family members did it…

Now to think about it, who can the kidnapper be?

My uncle or one of my brothers? No, they can't be as my uncle is a business man and all of my brothers are aboard to complete their studies, so at the end the only suspect is….my cousin? My cousin is being trained as the future head of the Huo family and the current heir of Huo family, so it probably can't be him. After all he is the heir of Huo Family, a perfect gentleman among others, there is no way he would need to deal with a small threat like me for just being one of the candidates of The Head of Huo Family.

But the main problem now is that who could possibly frame my parents? I can't exactly think of anyone as there are many political enemies around them.

My head is aching so much, when will I even be able to get out of here?

As I though of this, the door opened and revealed a tall and lean figure made his way towards me.

And when I saw that guy's face, I widened my eyes in surprise.

Oh My Lord!

This is my freaking best friend!

He seriously kidnapped me but why?

I was really confused, so I could only ask him, after all why not?

"Why did you kidnap me?"

"Because, I want to take over the Huo Family, so I first need to kill the heir."

"But I am not the heir though."

"No, you are the real heir, your cousin is just a shield prepared by your family to protect you from their enemies. But sadly, they didn't realize, the real wolf was by their sides from the beginning."

"So you…framed my parents?"


I….what can I say now?

You probably expect me to feel anger and hatred, right?

But I can't feel it, the current me just feels empty just like a puppet.