Arc 1: Cannon Fodder Gentle Older Sister Counterattacking On The Reborn Younger Sister

Under The Cherry Blossom Tree:

She, Aria, was the princess of light, the future of angels and the darling of moon.

He, Lucian, was the the tyrannical prince of devils, the lord of darkness and the fallen angel.

They were different from each other. They lived worlds apart.

Yet, with a twist of fate their lives became entangled forever.

All Aria ever wanted was peace, but she never got it because of the power struggle in the Kingdom of Light. Her heart was calm and gentle, so she never wanted to see bloodshed.

With the intention to escape the Kingdom of Light under the eyes of her father and brothers, she along with her beloved youngest brother by the help of their celestial wings, flew over to a far way place, which was presumably the land of devils.

The devils were cold-hearted and cruel.

They wouldn't even hesitate to kill their own family.

So, imagine how they treated others lives.

Just like this Lucian didn't even hesitate to kill Aria's brother, even when Aria begged him, as she knew that she was no match him in strength.

Despite breathing his breath Aria's brother forced a his gentlest smile.

There were somethings he wanted to tell Aria.

There were somethings he wanted to show her but fate wouldn't let him.

He wished he could protect his lovely sister from the wrath of destiny.

But no matter what he does, he can't never stop the entanglement between the two of them.

But, he won't ever give up.

That day, he vowed under the heavens to protect his sister until the end

So, he will always continue to protect matter what it takes him to!

Aria was heart-broken, why is it that she just escaped and now her brother needs to die?

On the other hand side, Lucian kidnapped Aria with him to the Palace of Dread.

Since, then Aria began to hate him.

Every time he was warm to her,

She avoided him like a plague.

Aria's only comfort was the cherry blossom tree.

She spent all the time under the cherry blossom tree.

But Lucian didn't even let her go outside after that day.

Aria was very powerless, what could she possibly do then?

Soon, after the disappearance of the princess and prince of light kingdom, the King began to investigate and found out that Aria was in the Palace of Dread.

The King being a father who spoils his daughter rotten, instantly declared war against the The land of devils.

When Aria knew it, Lucian already went to the battlefield to fight.

He went to fight for her?

She hated him though....

Instead of being cold to her, he was always gentle as ever.

She also knows how much he regrets killing her brother.

And after being treated like glass,

How can she not fall for him?

Slowly but surely, she fell for him.

Aria went to the battlefield by herself,

However, this time she was too late,

Her father, being the King of Light, had unmeasurable divine powers and being more experienced than Lucian, he was able to take out Lucian by sustaining some minor injuries only.

What Aria saw made her feel the most deadliest pain of all,

It was almost as if she had already felt it more than a hundreds of times.

Lucian only childishly grinned, his eyes brimming with affection

In my heart, I knew that you would come

I know that my past deeds were simply unforgivable

But in this vast world, I don't care about others forgiveness except yours

Also remember the cherry blossom tree,

I planted it as a love token for you

Perhaps at first I was only interested in you

But slowly I came to realize,

My heart was already yours from the beginning , my dear: "The cherry blossom a love token that I planted for you.....and don't you dare to ever forget me...."

Aria numbly took his body and later buried him under the cherry blossom tree.

Ever since then, she built a small house their and never came once went away from the cherry blossom tree.

Lucian, I tried to forget you...

But every time I close my eyes,

Images of the past crossed my mind

Hey, what kind of spell have you casted on me?

How did you enchant me so well that I don't want to even live now?

Since the day I meet you, my life changed

You changed me

You changed my heart

You changed my future

You loved me very much, I get it...

But have you ever thought about what would happen to me after you left

Come back once for this time,

And I will promise you something

I will promise you a lifetime full of love

"...Come back and.....I am wiling to spend a eternity in love with you....."

Another one of the tragic reincarnation of Yu Meng as Aria and Xuan Ye as Lucian.

And there is another important character in this reincarnation, Aria's brother.

So far, Aria's brother, to be precise Yu Meng's brother as well, is mentioned in the story, though the character is only mentioned, he hasn't appeared in the story yet.

Can any of you guess who Yu Meng's brother is?


(Huo Weisan's Point Of View)

She is very nice, then…if I ask her for a job she won't mind, right?

Anyways, I mustered up my courage and somewhat agitatedly asked, "Can-can…you give me…a job?!"

The girl paused her movements and then loudly cleared her throat. I saw her hesitating for some reason and said in a cold voice, "Ok…then what kind of job can you do?"

What kind of jobs can I am do?

I earnestly began to ponder. I have done some business in overseas to gain basic knowledge about business, which is enough for me to be a business analyst or a marketing manager.

Or maybe I can be a translator as I can speak around 6 European language fluently.

Perhaps I can start designing and start a company but if start a company that guy will surely beat me black and blue when he will find it out, so I can only a designer of a company which has more influence than him.

Oh, I nearly forgot about that I can do photography. I like to capture beautiful moments and showcase them to my friends.

Suddenly, an impatient voice bought me back from my thoughts.

I was a bit ashamed and scratched the back of my head and said quietly, "I can do business management, few administration skills and I can speak 6 or so language….nearly all of them are European.

I can also design some outfits for occasions and do some photography…."

After I finished speaking, I subconsciously lifted my head up to observe her reaction. Well, to say I am disappointed will be the correct word to use as the girl only had a thoughtful look on her face, not like how I expected a look of disbelief.

"Cool, but I need to check your level of proficiency. And what I want is you to be my company's fashion designer if you have the skills to. You are ready to do so if you want to prove your abilities…." So, I get a opportunity to be a designer?

Very well then.

I satisfied with this result.

Also, This girl probably is some kind of genius or so. I mean…she is very good at hiding her real emotions and there is always a emotionless and menacing glint beyond her exquisite pupils. Her mask of hiding her emotions is very strong as if even if the Mount Tai collapses, she won't even flinch a bit.

"Um…and what is your name?"

"My name is Huo Weisan," I was of course polite, even slightly respectful, she is my future Boss after all.

And proving my abilities?

I will draw the latest design that came to my mind not long ago.

"As for proving my abilities for designing …how about I draw model design for one of my outfits?"

She agreed and told me to come to the shed, "You can come into the shed in our garden and stay there for this one night and we can see what happens tomorrow."

Telling me to stay in her backyard, isn't this girl afraid that I might be a killer or a lunatic or maybe even a robber?

"I will bring you the necessary equipment for the drawing." I just nodded my head.

Honestly, I am very tired now. I just want to sleep but I have to draw the model, it actually feels like staying up at night to do your homework for tomorrow to show your teacher, if not then you will get a detention .

Afterwards, neither of us talked to each other, and imagine how awkward the atmosphere was. Fortunately, the girl went out of the room out first.

Wait-wait…what was her name?

Seriously…I don't even know my future-boss's name….


Anyways…I am too sleepy to bother about this anymore…so, let's just sleep for now.


I drowsily got up from bed, still feeling very sleepy.

But soon I realized that I haven't done the model yet, so I quickly drew a model on the Bristol Board and made same changes to the places that I was dissatisfied with.

When I finished doing the model, I waited for the girl to come but after more than 20 minutes passed, there was no trace of her, so I fell asleep again.

I just woke up when I heard a light knock on the door.

I opened the door and saw the girl standing in front of the door, smiling.

"Hi, have you done a model for the certain piece of clothing?"

"Yeah, here you go!"

To tell the truth, I am very nervous, after all my life kinda depends on it, like I mean I desperately need to making money for my living and this job suits my taste, then why not give it a go, right?

I carefully noted all the expression she was making and when I saw her satisfied smile, I knew that I passed her test or whatsoever.

"The model is fine. But you have to try your best improve your mistakes in some areas. And if you need any kind of help, I always here for you, young man. Welcome to Gorgeous. I am hoping to have nice cooperation with you….," She seriously looked at my and put on a professional businessman smile.