Arc 1: Cannon Fodder Gentle Older Sister Counterattacking On The Reborn


'I finally understood that day why there is no pure friendship in this world because of you…..

The day our friendship started, you became a ray of light but when you left, everything crumbled…

But nevertheless, you taught me never unconditionally believe someone…

And I am forever grateful to for this, my friend

Farwell my dear friend, it was really a great thing for me to meet you….'


The poor guy Huo Weisan listened to Yu Meng talk by herself and didn't bother to say anything as he was extremely exhausted and expressed everything through body language, which was well understood by Yu Meng.

Seeing that her goal for the morning was achieved, Yu Meng went to the empty bathroom, carefully closed the door and started to change into her school uniform. Stuffing her other outfit into the second bag, she picked her school bag as she exited the bathroom.

"….Hey, bro, I am going to school now, so take care and you should buy a phone and food with it, and I am pretty sure there will be some money left, so do whatever you want with the rest of the money….but don't do anything illegal," Handing him the money that she took out of her school bag, Yu Meng flashed Huo Weisan with a smile and went out of the house.

And then…

The system's notification in Yu Meng's mind resounded.


[Hidden Mission: Help Huo Weisan To Prove His Parents Innocence: 634 Experience Points: Time Limit 7 Days]

Yu Meng:….What's wrong with his parents?...

"Host, I think you should check out Huo Weisan's background, so you will have a better understanding of your mission," Xue Yun suggested as she already sent out the background information of Huo Weisan before Yu Meng told her to.

[Name: Huo Weisan

Age: 21

Parent: Lin Min and Huo Jun

Skills: Fashion Designing, Photography, Translator,

Titles: Good-For-Nothing-Young-Master, Trashy Genius

Enemies: Jing Baixuan (His Best Friend), Sabrina (Ex-Girlfriend, Bai Yueguang), His Cousin and The Rest Of The People Who Betrayed Him

Huo Weisan is the pampered young-master of Huo Family but isn't arrogant, instead he has a calm and clever temperament, however because he is a bit naïve, people around him call him either Good-For-Nothing-Young-Master or Trashy Genius. His parent are the eldest daughter of Lin Family, Lin Min, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, while his father is the Minister of National Defense. They are well-respected and influential people in politics, however as they are framed for murder and selling and buying drugs by their own family and close friends and even the other political enemies has a hand in it, they are arrested and after 7 days, they are going to receive a death sentence, if no one can prove their innocence.]

Hooking her lips into a smirk, Yu Meng said, "I am more interested what happened with Jian Baixuan and Huo Weisan's ex, Sabrina. Show me more information about them."

[Basically, Jiang Baixuan and Huo Weisan are childhood friends but Jiang Baixuan had a shrewd mind since he was young, so when Huo Weisan was just a innocent little cub, Jiang Baixuan mind was filled with how to take over the Huo Family and extend the power of Jiang Family.

And his parent also agreed to it as it benefits them because though the Huo Family is not one of main leading Clan of City A, their power couldn't be underestimated in Politics. So, the Jiang Baixuan and his mother and father, trained his sister Jiang Anling to seduce Huo Weisan and to be his girlfriend.

Also, Jiang Anling is precisely Huo Weisan's Ex, Sabrina. If it weren't for Jiang Baixuan, Jiang Anling and the Jiang Family, Huo Weisan's father, Huo Jun and mother, Lin Min, wouldn't be arrested.]

"Ohh…I now get it why the Huo family in the original storyline helped Fang Qingfei to solve problems….because of that trash surnamed Jiang," Yu Meng snorted as she stopped at the bus stop.

Xue Yun: You are going by bus? But aren't you car sick

Yu Meng: Yep, I guess so. I am just too lazy to walk to school and is a car and bus the same? [-.-]

After waiting for roughly 9 minutes, Yu Meng finally saw the bus which goes to her school. She sighed and without wasting another second, Yu Meng immediately go into the bus as she made her way to a sit by the window. When the bus finished taking in all the passengers from that bus stop, the bus started once again.

While Yu Meng was causally looking around, she accidently came across a scene when a teenager boy being sexually harassed by a lady, who was definitely older than him. The teenager was trying to move away but the lady would come closer each time. The lady even started to verbally abuse that boy.

Closing her eyes, Yu Meng muttered: "I though I could start my day nicely but looks like a certain 'someone' dirtied by eyes."

Xue Yun, who also noticed it, encouragingly said, "Host, teach that old cucumber a good lesson."

Yu Meng: Old cucumber?

Confused, Yu Meng repeated it after Xue Yun.

Xue Yun: By old cucumber I mean that woman.

Nodding her heading understanding, Yu Meng strode towards the lady and the boy with her slender-long legs. "Excuse me Miss, can you please move a bit?" Yu Meng stood before the two and asked the woman. Making an unpleasant face, the lady scowled at her, "Go somewhere else, why come here?!"

"Ohh, this Miss here, I think you are having some sort of misunderstanding. I am asking you to move because I want some space here to stand besides my brother," Frowning, Yu Meng said.

Her eyes widened, the lady pointed at the young boy, "He…is-is..your brother?"

"Yeah!" Cheerfully, Yu Meng replied as she turned her head to look at the young boy and winked at him and then secretly pointed towards the lady to show him why she was pretending to be his sister.