Arc 1: Cannon Fodder Gentle Older Sister Counterattacking On The Reborn

A Nightmare:

Inside the dream world,

I stood still

In fear

In fear of my inner demons

They are deadly

They can kill

They can cause sadness

I watched in horror

As they killed all my kins like nothing

But I couldn't do anything

I couldn't

I was helpless

And then

Fire surrounded me

They were hell fire

Fuelled by sins,

Corrupted souls and mortal bodies

I gaped in fear as

The blazing hot fire touched my skin

It was burning hot

It was unbearable

I couldn't bear it

I couldn't

How I wished for the death of my own

How I wished to end my own life


I was helpless and


But I died

I smiled

As relief washed over me

But this wasn't the end

I was once again at the same place

Then I realized

That I was being punished in hell fire over and over again

Feeling the same pain over and over again

I knew this was a dream

I wanted to wake up

I wanted to go away from here


Never think of this again

But here I am now

As the 86th cycle of hell fire reduced me to mere ashes

I still can't wake up

I feel greater pain every time

But my heart is numb

Perhaps somewhere inside my heart

I know that what I did was wrong


My previous arrogance was wrong

And as if I was enlightened

I magically woke up from my worst nightmare

I was happy to get out the nightmare

But from then on

I tried to be a better person


Maybe the nightmare was actually worth it


Chapter 38:

"To the kitchen, now!" Yu Meng yelled in a high-pitch voice , which made Xue Yun flinch. 'My host's voice sounds….like a badass villainess!'

'Go back inside, Xue Yun.'

Walking back to the living room with light steps, Yu Meng started to get to work. She made six dark-chocolate cupcakes, two sandwiches, two cups strawberry smoothies and these are all she could make from the ingredients that Huo Weisan had in the fridge.

Organizing the food into town plates, Yu Meng carried them to the living room and placed them on the dinning table. When she saw that Huo Weisan fell asleep on the chair with a book, which was upside down, having no mercy, Yu Meng yelled on the top her lungs, "Huo Weisan, YOU NEED TO EAT!"

Poor Huo Weisan woke up as he resentfully glared at her, "No need to shout so much, couldn't just nicely say it…."

"Oh, sooooo…..what are you going to do to me now?" Yu Meng wiggled her eye brows and stuck out her tongue at him.

"Now, you said something about food?

Where is the food?" Huo Weisan sleepily asked as he let out a long yawn.

Yu Meng sat down on the chair and pointed at the food on the table.

Not so gracefully, Huo Weisan started to eat like a glutton.

While Yu Meng was eating, she felt all these happened before and she had a feeling of déjà vu. Don't blame Yu Meng, she had read all those quick transmigration novels with the female lead being another host and they don't remember their past lives and they then get déjà vus when they meet the people from the past life.

Furthermore, these kind of situation does truly happen as those quick transmigration novels are small marks left by transmigration and some host's even create these transmigration stories as the legend of ancient dynasties.

But the thing is even if Yu Meng turn out to be someone who doesn't remember her past life, she really doesn't give a f**k about it. She is living today so she just cares about the present and her hopeless future.

"Host….perhaps your past has something that was really…..valuable to you?" Xue Yun interrupted his host's train of thoughts. He can't let his host have thoughts like this or maybe….her past will forever will be a mystery to her.

Yu Meng only smirked at this and didn't say anything, which alerted Xue Yun quite a bit.



"Yep," Huo Weisan paused from eating and said with a smile.

"I am going to go out for a bit and I will come here back tomorrow, so bye."

"Wait! I registered the company in the morning, so is there anything you want me to do next?"

"Find a good position for the company and select the employees, but limit is up to 8 people. For all the money you need just send me a text, I will transfer all the money to you." Yu Meng replied, she is probably going to leave soon from this world, so she will leave the company to him. It's not that she trying to be lazy but she has to finish all the missions in 7 day and it's not also that she hasn't done any missions within 7 days but generally, in that kind of worlds, they only had one mission.

Yu Meng walked out of the house and staright went to the Fang Villa.

She dialled Jiang Mingxiao and he quickly answered.

"Hi, what's the matter?"

"You have some shares of your brother's company, right?"

"Yeah…I have some from before, but why do you ask?"

"Try to buy all the stocks but don't do it in a hurry and don't arouse any suspicion among the board members and your brother."

Though Jiang Mingxiao was quite confused, he still took the words seriously. Then Yu Meng abruptly ended the phone as she looked up from the phone with a satisfied smile. This is for her mission to make Jiang Baixuan bankrupt.

And then she put on a mild-tempered smile as Xue Yun told that her sister and parents are at home.