
Tai Yang skidded to a halt.

'You're here, now what?' He thought looking around in the fiery inferno. 'Oh my goodness-" He thought, quickly pulling off his glasses to wipe the smear of lipstick on it. Xiao Xia had made a fake pair for herself, but he'd had his real pair between his fake breasts, so when he'd unshrunk, he'd simply slipped it upward onto his eyes, and accidentally obscured the clarity of the lens with lipstick as he did so.

Li Wei jumped backwards, dodging the swipe of Wu Ji's large claw. "Trepidation!" He said, aiming at Wu Ji. It hit the dragon square on the snout, and Wu Ji became visibly apprehensive. Before there was only anger visible but now it was a mixture of both emotions.

  "Incandescence!" Li Jun followed up, swiping his fingers in Wu Ji's direction. The spell was directed at his eyes and caused Wu Ji to become temporarily blind.