The Bird in the Cage: Part 1

Tai Yang's eyes widened. Dead?

What did he mean by that? With the aloof expression Li Jun was wearing anyone would have said that he was lying. Yet, as Li Jun stared at the cookie, picking at it, avoiding eye contact, and feigning composure, Tai Yang could tell that he was being serious. 

Li Jun looked over at Tai Yang who had been stunned into silence. 

"... Didn't you s-say that your familiar used to try and hurt themselves?" Tai Yang asked wearily.

"Yeah. That's how she died."

Tai Yang blinked. "She h-hurt herself?"

Li Jun absently put the cookie back in the jar and dusted his hand. "Yes. More specifically, she committed suicide." He said.

Tai Yang's eyes got wider. 'Oh my gosh. So all this time... Me poking about his familiar and his mother-' Tai Yang thought  in shock.

"It's a long story." Li Jun said. "And a bit of a sensitive topic."