Seraphine glanced over to the side. They were now inside the small village that they built. With houses for sleeping ad a good area for eating. It was not that spacious, but already enough for them to fit in.

"Miss, thank you for saving us." A girl stated as she looked over Seraphine with teary eyes. God knows how hard it was for them to stay in that warehouse for days. Says that turn to weeks and months. 

Evila, the girl was one of the kids that were brought there in the place forcefully. In the past, she used to be a good student that would follow her parent's order always. 

One day, while on her way home, a ma went up to her and told her that he have some candies. With the girl's curiosity, she followed innocently and that leads to where she was right now. 

"What is your name, Darling?" Seraphine asked as she knelt down to have th same height as the young girl. 

"My name is Eliva, Miss." She answered enthusiastically