"God Azura! God Azura!"

A man entered Ivar hall in panic. He was running in a fast paced manner, looking for Azura. 

"What's the matter with you? Didn't I made a clear instruction to not just barge in at my hall" Azura stood up irritatedly. 

Fear surrounded the man's heart. But he had to fight it so he could say what he wanted to say. 

"Forgive me, God Azura. I heard a news that God Callan and the two Goddesses are in trouble!''

Azura quickly stood up from his seat. His eyes widened in shock as he went down on his throne. "Where are they?" He asked. 

"At the Diamond River" The man bowed his head. 

Azura nodded, "Tell Romeo to follow me at the Diamond Hall. I will go there first to check their current state." He commanded at the man.