Audience with the King

The girl stood there as she looked both beautiful and elegant. Her short dark magneta hair waved with the wind as grass floated around. Her white one piece didn't even get dirty.

'Talk about pure perfection.' He thought

The light blue and golden spear stood boldly as she held it.

"I'm sure you're really confused right now and wondering who I am."

" on."

It seemed she could tell because of his baffled expression. Kouki had thought the affinity orb would grant me a weapon-

"But it did."

'Huh? Did she...just read my mind?!' Surprise took him ahold.

"Mhm I did. Kouki, I am your weapon. Though I guess i'm a special case. Well, the ONLY special case in this world. It seems your desire was to be the light and hope that would change the world. You want to be different, one that would strive to be the best and have unachievable power to take down your enemies. You want to be someone in this world and you wanted something to prove it. Thus, I was born. The strongest weapon at your disposal."

"But...aren't the affinity orbs supposed to make objects?"

"Yeah, you did. This spear."

She played around with it and twirled it around at high speeds as she was careful not to injure him.

"Though as what you're wondering how a living being such as me is here you could say i'm this spears spirit, of sorts...err...whatever you wish to call it. Don't sweat the details I cannot explain much to you as it's not in my ability to do so. In due time you'll find out."

He was still quite perplexed with everything but he had no choice but to go along with it.

"By the way, I haven't told you my name yet. It's...Loreley."

"That's a wonderful name...i've never heard it before."

She just looked at him strangely but brushed it off. She seemed to look into the distance and looked panicked.

"Kouki, hurry grab onto the spear. What ever you do, do not let them know I exist. Not even a word of my name."

After she said that she disappeared. It looked like she went into the spear itself. Kouki held onto it not knowing what was going on. Suddenly, he heard loud clunky footsteps approaching. Soon men in armor appeared.

"Hey you! What happened? We witnessed a large light beam pierce the sky. With that alone the King and Queen are certain that it will rile up the rest of the races, questioning us were it came from."

Before he could answer a voice in his head came over him. It was Loreley, taking notice that she could speak to him telepathically. It seemed she was being careful enough for the knights to not hear.

'Remember Kouki, do not tell them I exist, it would be hard for you if you did. Just explain to them that your weapon was this spear and it had immense power that you ended up going over board on accident.'

"Well you see...I had taken on an E-rank quest to take down some Goblins here in the forest, but it turned out that there was a huge nest underground. Not only that but there was a Goblin King! I was surrounded by what seemed like thousands of Goblins. I was sure I was going to die but then my Affinity orb rose and thus, this spear appeared as my weapon which held great power. Without it I would have been dead meat by now. I apologize on my behalf, seeing the area I...kind of went overboard."

"A Goblin King?! You managed to defeat it and even take down the nest all by yourself as a beginner adventurer. That's impressive. Everyone in the Kingdom took notice, even the King and he immediately wanted to find out what it was that caused this. It seems it would be best to grant you an audience with the King himself, so you're going to have to follow us."

"Ah, oh uh of course, lead the way."

Kouki was following the Knights, as they got out of the decimated forest he took notice that a lot of adventurers were gathered at the entrance not knowing what happened. As they came out they eyed him, wondering who he was. The commotion had not died down even after Kouki left.


"That's quite a feat done. I'm impressed, with that alone i'm sure once you report it to the guild you'll advance in rank immediately. That's not why you're here though child. With what I've heard is you're the Forgotten that appeared at the failure of the summon from yesterday, correct?"

Kouki was speaking to the King, he sat in his mighty throne and the pressure from him was immense, even for a human that capability is impressive. When he first came to his presence Kouki made sure to kneel down and bow.

"Yes your majesty, that is correct."

'I was holding Loreley in my hand, the spear of course. Even now I still followed her order not to reveal anything about her.' The conscious stayed in his mind.

"I have a proposal for you, why not join the Arcane Academy? It saddens me that you don't have any talent with skills or magical power but this could be your chance to gain some knowledge and possibly learn."

Kouki looked at him in surprise.

"There's an academy here in the Kingdom?"

"Yes child. The only academy in the world. I guess you could call it second to none. Though, let me advise you that this is no ordinary Academy. You see, we still don't fairly get along with the other races. But, this academy allows students to enroll in from other races, and the best young fellows from other races do come. Since in their homeland they don't really have education, and here they can improve."

Kouki immediately understood what the King meant. The academy itself was more of a catalyst for current peace with the other nations. Without it, the Kingdom would currently be at war with the other races.

"I'll enroll then your majesty. I am certain this would be a great opportunity that I cannot refuse."

He knew this chance couldn't be left behind, it was too much of a great opportunity to have a chance at life in this new world. He wanted to get to know this place better.

"It is done then, i'll set arrangements for you to be attending two days from now. That is when the new academic year begins, new students will be attending from then on. I guess you could call it the entrance ceremony. I'll give you this letter for the details as to the time and where it is located."

With this, Kouki wondered where his life would go from here.


