Chapter 63

Michael's P. O. V

The academy was really so highly ranked and very reputable, some well off footballers came out of this academy.

While I busied myself with looking at the academy on my tablet one of the guys snatched my tablet from my hand.

"Now we'll get to see what's got your attention."Seth said holding my tablet above his head. He looked inside and his mouth flung open, all the guys circled around my tablet their gaze strictly on what was displayed on my tablet.

"Why are you looking at that fancy football academy?."Oliver asked, he made sure to place a lot of emphasis on the word stress.

"Nothing. I was just looking up some nice places to go after highschool."I said trying to not raise any doubt.

"There's no point wasting your time, that place is almost impossible to get in, they have like a two year wait list."Jake said, the guys all agreed.