Chapter 86

Diana's P.O.V

"Kiss me."

West did not just say that! The guy who hates me with all his guts did not just tell me to kiss him and in public. Am not a huge fan of PDA.

I opened my mouth to mumble out a reply but West beat me to it by coming in closer. He placed his hand behind my ear bringing my head closer.

We were so close and I could smell the alcohol on him and the bubble gum he had been chewing. I closed my eyes but then the thought of Michael flashed across my mind. His cute punchable face and his devilish smile, made me hesitate immediately.

"Told ya you were too chicken." He teased and pulled apart grinning from ear to ear. My chest was pounding like crazy, was that some sort of test or something?.

"Handle the rest of the shift would ya, I've got a few errands to run," West said heading towards the door. I gulped hard trying to catch my breath, "what the hell West? Again?!." I asked frustrated.