Chapter 97

Michael's P. O. V

Lunch with Gary and his four sons was awfully interesting. His eldest son was the manager and the three other sons worked the car wash.

They were an odd bunch, they joked around with their dad and let him threaten them with his belt, all with laughs on their faces.

The air seemed denser whenever he called them son, or kiddo, buddy...and the youngest was nineteen!. My body tensed when I exchanged glances with Xander who mindlessly looked around the place.

"When did you start working here?." I asked the youngest one, Myron. "About when I was fourteen." He said, "that's so cool, your dad lets you have a job. It must be great to not rely on your dad for money." I said as we walked to the cars that were drying.

He zoned out for a minute, his hand in his pocket, "something wrong?." I asked facing him. He didn't say anything but kept his eyes focused on the car like he would shoot Lazer beams out of his eyes.