Chapter 114

Diana's P. O. V

I wish I could split myself into four or even more versions of myself. I had work after school, cheer practice after school and now drama practice!. I still have to study as well to get above average grades to boost up my GPA.

I needed to boost up the educational ranks, since Michael left Hall of Fame Academy, there's an open slot for all the advanced classes. And I want that slot, so I can gain the scholarship all throughout senior year highschool. Plus, the cool jackets they get as advanced students.

Four days to my birthday countdown! And to the huge competition, do I feel sick yes? Nervous? Tons of that too.

"Diana!." My mathematics teacher called out, I zoned out of the class and didn't follow what was being taught.

"You're busy daydreaming aren't you?."

"Yeah." I admitted, that was not a smart choice, she folded her arms, not expecting me to answer that.