Chapter 123

Diana's P. O. V

"One foot in front of the other." I chanted to myself, on my way to Luca's car. My night was planned, Luca picks me up, drives me to the party, and drops me a block to my house. These dreadful heels weren't part of the plan.

"Woohoo!." Some guys yelled, my eyes widened, my vision trailed from my feet to the car, or better yet, cars. Luca came, but he came with the entire basketball team.

"Luca, what is this?." I asked as I strode over to his car, "you look hot." He managed to say, I rolled my eyes, trying not to blush at the compliment.

"The guys thought I was joking about you asking me out, and wanted to see for themselves." Luca said sheepishly.

"Let's just go." I said shrugging my shoulders, knowing already that I'd regret going to this party.

"Whatever you say." Luca said, I opened the door and got in, admiring the leopard car seat. His car didn't surprisingly smell like alcohol, maybe all cars didn't, just West's car did.