Chapter 206

Diana's P. O. V

"And? What's so wrong with your boyfriend coming to see you at the hospital?." Makela asked with a stoic expression on her face.

"Do you not get it? I can't bother with you anymore, just...make sure mom doesn't come in here." I explained.

"So he's a secret boyfriend then? That explain a lot, but still, aunt Mia wouldn't care if you're dating someone." Makela said, running her mouth.

My hand was too lifeless to whack some sense into her, "just get out!." I yelled, attempting to slap her away with my left hand, but failing miserably.

She shrugged her shoulders and got up from my bed, reluctantly heading towards the door.

Two minutes after she walked out the doors, the doors were pushed open.

"West, am fine, you didn't need to..." I cut myself short, with the realisation that it wasn't West who walked through those doors but Luca.