Chapter 218

Diana's P. O. V

"Don't listen to the boss, we're throwing you our own little welcome party." Darla whispered to me once we left the break room.

"You guys didn't have to..." I said not meaning that at all, I'd love a chance to kick back and have fun with everyone. Maybe try and forget the events that I just wrapped up.


An hour before mine and West's shift ended, once our boss drove away, Darla flipped the open sign close, wearing a huge smile.

James and Willy emerged from the kitchen with a tray of pastries, they had the owner make a special order for me.

Pablo brought red plastic cups and filled them up with soda. I doubt he had soda, but I decided not to pry tonight, just like West says, just let things roll.

"It's been one boring as hell week without you." Darla said making some sort of toast.