Chapter 220: Don't Miss This One

A/N : Do NOT! Kiss... I mean Miss this chapter 😉.


Diana's P. O. V

West drove me home in a flash, well, almost, my house was five minutes away. We barely spoke to each other, I busied myself by staring out the window, avoiding any form of awkward conversation that could spring up.

"We're here." He announced, I couldn't help but think he sounded upset, but then again, this is West, he's always so rough around the edges.

"Thanks." I said, turning to leave, but he stopped me from leaving. His vision trained on my face, which made me to lick my lower lip.

"What do you want?." I asked with a look of uncertainty.

"You." He replied in a cryptic tone.

My eyes widened, did he just say that to me? My nerves were racked up, my palms were sweaty already.

"Don't joke around like that." I teased, trying to calm down the tempo. But he wasn't smiling or anything, he even had a serious look on his face.