Chapter 258

Diana's P. O. V

"You can't be serious right? Your last name is West?." I asked for clarification. He just stared at me, like I was some fascinating statue.

"It is." West seethed, giving me a hopeless look.

"Your name is West West?!." I asked, not fully sure if West was pulling my leg or not. Talk about lack of creativity!. It must suck having to answer the same name.

"So when I call out to you, am I calling out your first name or your last name?." I added a follow up question.

"Chirper..." I heard him say but my inquisitive mind didn't let me grasp what he was trying to tell me.

"I know that it's not important, but damn, I've been calling you by your last name this whole time! How many people know you have same first and last name?." I pried.

"No one..." West was saying but I cut him off again.

"Why did your parents name you after your surname?." I found myself asking.