Chapter 273

Diana's P. O. V

"What took so long? Did you forget how to take a piss?." Luca asked standing beside his car with a weary look.

"Went to go talk to Julian real quick." I casually said getting into the car.

"You say it like it's not a big deal! The guy's a fucking rapist! Am shocked you're not filing a report against that guy!." Luca retorted, starting the engine as soon as he got in.

"Now why would I waste such a good card?. Let's hit the road, I need a change of scenery." I voiced out, feeling glad that things went the way they did.

"Someone's bossy after waking up, you wake up on roses or something?." Luca asked while reversing away from the hospital parking lot.

"Something like that, plus looking at Julian in a cast was a huge confidence booster." I asserted, putting the window down so I could get some fresh air.

"You seem different, am worried about you." Luca pointed out after some minutes into the drive.