Chapter 284

Diana's P. O. V

West didn't come into work for the next two days. Darla didn't come into work as well, so me and Willy worked double shifts, though we were getting paid twice for it.

"She broke up with me, last night, on the phone." Willy announced, looking sleep deprived.

"I didn't know that she would end things, she didn't even drop any hints. And... I, shit!. I wanted her to meet my parents, and Emerald, and..." 

"Willy." I said under my breath, this must be even harder for him. 

"She blocked my number, I can't call her and I don't know where she lives, West isn't coming in to work anymore... I can't ask him..."

At the mention of West's name my heart skipped a beat, I hated the fact that it still did that, despite all that went down two days ago.

"Just forget about her." That was the only advice I could give him, he didn't need to know what happened and how shameless Darla was.