Chapter 294

Diana's P. O. V

"It's a misunderstanding, I didn't try to kill him, actually we're both together." I said, trying to reason with his father.

He was taken aback by what I said, infact, everyone of his details looked shocked to the bones to hear me say I was West's girlfriend.

Even I was shocked by myself.

"Miss Diana!." Charleston beckoned from behind, his brown fur coat making him stand out. My chest was relieved to hear him call out to me.

"How's master..." Charleston cut himself off, once his eyes landed on none other than Mr West himself.

"Forgive my manners, Mr West, I didn't know you had arrived already, I'll have the driver take you home at once." Charleston said, petrified.

Just how bad was this guy anyways?

"Is she? My son's girlfriend by any chance? She claims to be." Mr West said, staring daggers at me, causing me to feel extremely self conscious