Chapter 299

Diana's P. O. V

I slept off while waiting for West to return back to his bedroom. Truth was, I was avoiding contact with him after stumbling upon that condom. The tension between both him and his father was unparalleled. And all I'd be doing by interrogating him about the condom is multiplying his stress level.

But once all this clears up, I'll be sure to have a word with West regarding why that condom was used.

The back of her palm instinctively rubbed against her eyes, removing the spec from both my eyes. I let out a yawn, stretching my limbs across the bed, noticing just how empty it was.

I sprang out of bed, worried, my eyes flickered around the room, searching for any possible trace of West in the room.

"He didn't come in last night, he stayed awake all night long." I soliloquized, wrapping the robe firmly around my waist.