Chapter 327

Diana's P. O. V

West did text me before I went to sleep, apologising for being so cold, telling me he was pissed about the line at the convenient store.

I almost tossed my phone away while reading his text, today's incident was still fresh in my mind. His text laid bare on my screen, not replied.

"Dinner." Makela said from the door, "you have to eat it downstairs." She added, waiting for me to get out of bed.

"Am not hungry." I said, burying myself under the covers. Food would remind me of groceries which would remind me of convenient stores. And ultimately remind me of West.

"No kidding, you look like shit." She spat out crossing her arms across her stomach. "What storm hit you?." She asked, being too interested.

"I don't feel like talking about it okay?. Just leave me the fuck alone." I told her, sounding harsher than my normal self.