Six Years Later, Town Cloverfield

Sector 39, Town Cloverfield,

It's a medium sized town where many merchants and caravans stopped to refuel and restock their rations for long journey. This town is a self-sufficient one.

They have the ability to provide this group of outsiders with foods and other things.

Trading with merchants is one of the prime pillar of economy for this town. They enjoy meeting new people and trade with them. The life of this townspeople quite good.

"Good grief, Granny. Can you not give people trouble?"

"Sorry for my tardiness. "

"Hurry up! You're blocking my shop."

"Yes, yes. I am going. "

"Billy, go and help the granny to get a move on. "

"Huh, Why me? "

"because if granny picks up her veggies by herself, it'll take forever. but most importantly because I told you so DO IT QUICKLY", by the end the shopkeeper raised the pitch of his voice.

Billy had no choice but to go help the granny with collecting veggies. But he was still grumpy.

The shopkeeper paid no heed to Billy's grumpiness while the granny just smiled kindly at him.

Billy is 15 years old and currently at his rebellious phase. So he was curious, stubborn and also passionate about things he liked.

"These ' RANGERS ' are getting more and more audacious nowadays, aren't they? They don't even give consideration to old people like us."

"They must have got their reason to do that. They are protecting the laws of the whole world after all."

"Laws? The laws of the whole world under one ' RANGERS '. I wonder if it is really necessary for them to have control over whole world's law enforcement. "

"Humph! What do you know granny? They were chosen to carry out this job by ' THE ORDER OF GATEKEEPERS ' direct order . The Order of Gatekeepers are the rulers of this world. Do you think you are allowed to question their judgment? They are the wisest people alive in this world. They have saved the world by stopping 'The Ragnarok' , you think you are wiser than them. ", Billy had a fanatical expression when mentioning the order of gatekeepers, also contempt for the old granny.

The granny on the other hand was different. She had a thoughtful expression unlike Billy who was a fan boy of the order of gatekeepers. She had a vast experience in life. Not all RANGERS are good. Some people take advantage of the authority possessed by the rangers and do evil. Sometimes they even suppress the weak in the name of Justice.

"Did you know a rumor is going around that the infamous thief 'SIREN' showed up in this town? Do you know who SIREN is? I bet you don't. " Billy tried to blow his own trumpet.

"oh! why don't you tell me in detail about this thief? "

"Then listen closely, Siren is said to be a master thief. Nobody knows the real identity of this thief. But those who have encountered the siren all say the same thing.", Billy stopped here and waited for the granny to show more interest.

Granny also played along,"c'mon , don't stop. What is this common thing among them? "

Billy and granny collected all the veggies at this moment.

"They have two common point. First, SIREN only steals rare and dangerous item. Be it weapons of mass-destruction, cursed object or rare magical beasts. Anything that has a high-price, rare and dangerous tag on it is a target of SIREN."

"And what is the second thing?" granny inquired.

"the second thing is, whenever SIRE--"

"BILLLY, GET BACK HERE. ", the shopkeeper's angry shouting came from the shop.

"yes, sir. ", Billy also scurried back when he saw the shopkeeper getting angry.

Granny also walked away from the storefront slowly.

Town Cloverfield itself looks ordinary. The road of this town is fully paved with pebble stones. People walked on sidewalk of the each side of the road. With its black wooden rooftops, well painted walls and few unmaintained gardens, it has a thriving atmosphere.

The main point of attraction for Cloverfield is the lighthouse by the river named Crystal Channel, which was built 36 years ago and designed by halflings. It gives a nice view of the farmlands and greenhouses by the river from the top.

Town Cloverfield has a growing economy, which is mainly supported by food production, fishing and transports maintenance. But their biggest strengths are sustainable farming capabilities and highly skilled maintenance.

However, Cloverfield lacks people skilled in pharmaceutical. So they mostly trade for medicine, medical materials and advance medical technology. Any kind of Healthcare products is always traded for higher price.

Overall, this is a very busy and flourishing town. Nobody has any time to pay attention to other people. So, No one noticed that after walking a distance granny got mixed in the crowd and suddenly disappeared in thin air, like she was never here.


Two days later,

In one of the largest depot of this town, some young men and women were brought secretly. They were all physically challenged. One way or other they had some flaw in them. They were all unconscious now.

It was nighttime. So, it was easy to do that.

One could easily figure out that there was something shady undergoing here if they saw this scene.

"How much longer should I wait here? This place is so cold.", said one guy in charge of guarding the unconscious young kids. He had a pair of squinty eyes

"It should be soon. We have to wait a little longer." replied another guy beside him. He had tattoos around his neck.

"Every month we do this. Nothing happened for the last two years. Is there any need for being so much afraid?" asked the squinty eyed guy.

"This is order from boss. We just have to listen and deliver. Do no make a fuss every time. Every time I work with you, I have to go to see a doctor to check my hearing, Clemens."

"Kagila, you bastard. Say that again.", Clemens cursed Kagila.

At this time, a knock came from the door of the depot.

Kagila went ahead, opened the door and saw a hooded person fully covered in black standing there.


Kagila waited for the hooded figure to say the code they decided to say as password. But the hooded figure remained silent.

Kagila became vigilant and his nerves tensed up.

Suddenly the atmosphere between Kagila and the hooded figure became very dangerous.