Chapter 35


Amourora flinched at the loud sound interrupting the eerily quiet atmosphere. The tension was so strong, one could cut it with a knife! When Amourora and Andrew tried to sneak back in, they had been found out and brought to the emperor by the imperial knights.

"you won't tell me where you've been all day?" The emperor's patience was running thin in front of the two nervous yet stubborn people in front of him.

Amourora gulped. She never knew how suffocating her father's gaze could get as his rage had never been directed at her. She stared down at her shoes as her trembling fingers held into the straps of her newly bought mint-colored backpack tightly, her knuckles turning white.

Ba-dum... Ba-dum... Ba-dum...

Andrew stood next to her just as anxious and scared. His brother had always been lenient in his punishment towards him, but this time he really messed up by taking his most beloved daughter. Everyone knew just how much he was overprotective of her and if anything happened, all the blame would fall on Andrew's shoulders for sure.

"we..." Amourora finally found the courage to squeak out a few words. "we are sorry."

It had taken up a years worth of courage just to speak out those three words, so whatever is coming next, Andrew will have to deal with it. She was surprised by herself for staying composed for this long and not collapsing on the ground due to the heavy pressure.

"no, I am sorry." Andrew spoke up. "I shouldn't have taken Rosabella out of the palace without permission. I put her life at risk by doing so. I take full responsibility for my actions."

"so you knew the kind of danger you were facing, but still took it?" The emperor spoke through gritted teeth.

Ba-dum. Ba-dum. Ba-dum.

The silence in the room allowed Amourora to hear her heart thumping in her ears clearly, further frightening her. She might have lived for decades and survived many dangerous situations, but that didn't stop her from being scared of her father's wrath. He isn't called that demon emperor for no reason.

"daddy, don't be mad." she truly hoped her meek words could coax him into calming down. "we won't leave without your permission next time."

"there won't be a next time." he stated sternly.

Silence once again.

Bum. Bum. Bum.

"your majesty, everyone is extremely exhausted after such stressful day." the empress tried to calm him, talking in a smooth tone. " why not send everyone to rest and make a decision on their punishment tomorrow?"

"if you are tired then go back." the emperor snapped at her, silencing her with his icy gaze and frosty words. "nobody is forcing you to stay."

"imperial brother, there's no need to be angry with everyone." Angelina jumped in to defuse the situation. "everyone is back safe and sound, right? That's all that matters. And I will personally teach Rosabella the rules and etiquette of the palace so that the same mistake won't reoccur."

"and just who gave you permission to speak?" The emperor seemed too enraged this time that he didn't even excuse his baby sister. "it seems I have been too soft that everyone is disregarding all respect for me. I really have spoiled you too much!"

Bum. Bum. Bum.

"all four of you will write a hundred, no, a thousand, ten thousand word apology letter by tomorrow."

"you," he pointed at Andrew. " will start attending lessons in the imperial academy in the mornings and be tutored by imperial tutors in the evenings. Seven days a week, four weeks a month, twelve months a year, an exception only in special occasions. You will study fencing, archery, martial arts, politics, literature, history and mathematics. Every week, you will be tested on what you've learned at random, and you better be prepared. I have always been lenient with you hoping you would mature on your own, but I was clearly wrong. "

" And you two," the empress and the royal princess exchanged a tense gaze." two of you weren't able to keep an eye on a little girl. Are you even capable of maintaining the palace affairs? "

" As for you," he pointed at Amourora. The look of disappointment in his eyes made her heart sink. Whatever's coming next won't hurt her as much as the fact that she had betrayed his expectations and trust. " I have spoiled you too much. From now on, you will lose your princess privileges. "

" your majesty, that—" the dark look on her husband's face and his furious eyes were enough for the empress to swallow her words.

" from now on, you will see how others live and learn from them. You will live like them. You will learn cooking from the imperial chefs, cleaning from the maids, sewing and embroidery from the seamstresses, and until you learn to behave, you won't receive any allowance either. " after he finished giving them their punishment, he sat on his chair and took a deep breath before dismissing them." everyone is excused. "

Tears welled in Amourora's eyes as she wasn't used to him speaking to her harshly, but she was more concerned about letting him down and disappointed in herself. As soon as they were out, Andrew apologized to her before storming off to his room.

" sweetheart, don't cry, it's not that bad." her mother tried comforting her, expecting her to burst out in tears. "at least his majesty didn't cancel the upcoming tea party."

"I didn't? Thanks for reminding me. " his majesty walked out to comfort his daughter as he realized he had been too hard on her, but the words that came out of his mouth betrayed his heart. "You won't be attending any tea party or meeting any guests until further notice."

He shut the door behind him, leaving three faces gaping at the spot he had been in a second ago.

Angelina glared at the empress as if saying 'thanks a lot!' then turned to Amourora." perhaps he would change his mind once he has had the chance to calm down. I will talk to him. Besides," she lowered her voice in case he decided to come out again. "he didn't say to work with the stable boys and laundry or scullery maids."

If that was meant to make her feel better, it didn't.

What hurt her most was the look of betrayal in his eyes. Maybe she never noticed how much he trusted and cherished her. Maybe he wants to be closer to her because she is different from the exhausting schemes and plots of everyone else. Maybe he doesn't realize there are people who truly care about him and not his wealth and power.