Before You Put Forward Demands...

Emily closed the book and put it back. She closed the closet.

The heart was pounding nervously in her chest.

Don't jump to conclusions, Em. You just need to ask and he will tell you everything.

She didn't notice how she walked back and forth, biting her thumbnail. The girl tried to get rid of this habit even at the university, but her reflexes were stronger.

After a couple of minutes of chaotic thoughts, she left the study room and headed towards the kitchen. The brain tried to pierce her defense with the most unpleasant assumptions, but Emily decided not to take any hasty action.

"What do you mean she's already taken off?"

Emily froze in front of the kitchen as she heard Evans' voice.

"She told me she would only be there in a week." The man was talking to someone on the phone. "I see, I get it. I'll be at the airport in three hours."