The Stranger from the Elevator (Part 2).

His fingers were cool, her palms, on the contrary, were sweaty from feeling nervous.

Ever since school, she preferred to maintain a personal distance from people she didn't know much. That even included those people who she knew, but didn't allow close contact.

This same man was a complete stranger, and the first meeting was not the most pleasant.

Feeling the first comer poking in your eye is not the most pleasant sensation.

His close presence, and even more so, his touch, did not delight her. But there was no expected rejection either.

Ahh, now it's clear why. He used the same perfume as Justin.

Emily breathed a sigh of relief.

By the way, she needs to ask her boss what brand he uses.

Oh, idea! I need to buy one for myself and use it at home as an air freshener! Hayes, this will be your personal aroma drug. Oh, Evans-aroma-drug! Write like that on top of it with a red marker!