The Essay.

"Ahaha, what do you mean, a dragon?!" Another girl with fiery red hair entered the hall. "You look more like Pinkie Pie from My Little Pony now!"

"You are a pony!" Emily grumbled and stomped between the rows towards the stage. "Today we had a lecture on the history of Chinese literature. I realized that if I were a mythical creature, I would be a dragon!" She climbed onto the stage, threw her hands up. "Remember, Smaug in The Hobbit growled: I am Smaug, I am fire, I am death! Muhahahaha!"

Justin burst into a fist so as not to laugh in the audience. The girl on the stage growled and jumped, portraying an evil dragon. But her movements evoked laughter instead of horror. Well, now if he watches The Hobbit, he will remember her.

"Do you know where the switches are? We won't work in the dark, will we?" The redhead fumbled at the entrance to the hall, checking the wall.