Planting A Seed For The Future...


"Noah-sama, I don't want to question your judgment or anything but why did you give your blood to him? I could have healed him…" said Arthur.

"I did it to leave seed on him… I wanted to experiment," said Noah.

"Experiment? Seed?" asked Arthur.

"It seems that there are other ways to convert people into Vampiric beings without necessarily biting their necks. I wanted to see if it could be possible for that young man to acquire such power simply by giving him some of my blood," said Noah.

"Oh, that's interesting…" said Arthur.

"Amazing, if he becomes a Vampire, won't there be some issues with his life?" asked Iris.

"Yes, but if he does, a connection between our minds will be made. If he's willing to join us, he will come to me, and if not, he will remain as himself and live his own life… Heh, don't worry, I have cursed his own blood as well. Whenever he tries to speak of us to someone in detail, his blood will stop him from saying any words," said Noah.