Giant Desert Monsters One After Another!


As Noah and the rest of the party rested, the Giant Sand Worms immediately began to appear, furiously assaulting them and interrupting their meal!

Noah and the rest quickly set into another deadly battle, however, this time the Giant Sand Worms were not alone, as they brought new friends!

Noah and the rest flew high into the skies, as they saw two gigantic insect jaws emerge from the sand!

"An… Antlion?!" asked Arthur in surprise.

Antlions were special types of insects in Earth's past, who specialized in creating traps in the ground, using their gigantic jaws to grab any little bug that walked into their traps, often made into pits that made it hard for the creatures that entered to get out of it.

However, the antlions in this dungeon were fairly different.

First of all, they were gigantic!

The smallest one was at least ten meters big!

And the rest were around 7 to 9 meters!