The Many Sectors Of The World


After Noah absorbed the Skill Points, he felt a new surge of power flowing through his entire body, it was almost exhilarating.

He slowly calmed himself down, as it was finally time to spend these Skill Points, which were not even earned by him but by the servants he had created.

If he were to make his Blood Servants and Robots strong enough, he even began to imagine that he could one day send them to A-Rank or higher Dungeons, to bring him even more things!

It has only been around two weeks since Noah became a Vampire, but he was already reaching new heights in power and more!

Assimilating the power of an ancient and evil Vampire was indeed a big gamble, but it worked and he was now completely changing and defying his own fate, while also bringing people that he cared for to his side.

However, although there are many allies, there are also many enemies and dangers lurking within this society.