Abyssal Connection


Noah kept discovering more about the Blood Scion Skill, as he checked its information.

[Blood Scion: 1 (A)]

Use this Skill to instantly transform into a monstrous creature of the night, showing your true nature, appearance, and colors to your foe.

By activating this Skill, several effects are activated for the Ten Minutes that this transformation lasts, as your Mana and Soul are slowly drained away.

Instant Healing of all wounds (one time, at the beginning of the transformation)

All your Attribute Values are raised by 50%.

Health Regeneration is based on how much damage you deal.

The ability to see through objects such as walls.

Temporarily enhances your Proficiency in all of your Skills by 50.

All of your senses are sharpened tremendously.

Your thirst for blood becomes monstrous.

Duration: 10 Minutes. Cooldown: 4 Hours.

The duration of the transformation might increase as your Skill proficiency increases, alongside decreasing the Skill Cooldown.