Jon, Sugar, Sakura, and Noire VS Rose Vine Monster King 2/2


Being covered on ice, being sliced by blades of black light, and being slashed by claws made of shadows, while also being damaged by distortion attacks, and light bullets definitely told the Rose Vine Monster King that today was not his day.

Especially by how his Vitality and Mana were being drained constantly, or how gravity was sometimes distorting and not working in his favor…

However, it was not going down without a fight!

"YOU DAMN INVADERS! Coming to my lord's property and killing our allies…! And now you dare put me in such situations?! UNGRAH!"

The Rose Vine Monster King roared, as his vines began to grow wildly everywhere, and then…!

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

All the large spikes spread over its vines began to be fired like projectiles out of its body, reaching Jon and the robots constantly!

"So it can shot those things like bullets…!" said Sakura.