Ruthlessly Shameless



Beelzebub was being held back by a sea of blood and crimson phantoms, countless Blood Soul Servants made from the corpses and souls of all his fallen army members, all of them merging together monstrously as they entangled his body and sacrificed themselves to not let their former master go!

"Unnggh…! You damn schemer! Fight me like a man!" roared Beelzebub, although Noah and everyone at his side glanced at him with contempt, readying Magic Spells.

"At the end, what really matters is winning, Beelzebub, not how you achieve it!" laughed Noah, his twisted pride as a Vampire was not like many other beings, as he held pride in acting treacherously to achieve victory, and took more pride into achieving victory rather than how he achieved it.

Anything would do, and being a scumbag was not out of the question.