Can You See The Difference Now?


"Can you see the difference now? Hm. Do you have more of those mechanical arms? I think I could train my abilities if there were more giant dummies… Well, we can do that later, right?" said Noah, shapeshifting back to his Vampire form, as he flashed towards William with a crimson-red flash and then cut his wrist open!

"Eh?! W-What are you doing?!" asked William, as a downpour of blood hit his mouth, as Noah held his mouth to not close with his other hand, pouring a nice amount of blood inside of William's throat, which he made forcefully drink!

"Hurry up and drink it, I don't have the entire night, I had enough of playing with you," said Noah, with an annoyed expression, as William choked on Noah's blood while coughing and making a stupid expression over his face.

"Ack! Aggrragggh…!"