Passion (R18) 2


Iris continued to serve Noah with her amazing blowjob, which she was doing viciously as if Noah's penis were the most delicious thing she had ever tasted, which she couldn't possibly let go of her mouth.

Noah was resting over the bed already, as Iris continued to pleasure Noah with her warm and slippery mouth interior, her little and slimy tongue was playing around with the lower side of Noah's penis, right below the tip, stimulating the Vampire Progenitor to even greater levels.

This was even more insane as he had already ejaculated two times inside of Iris's mouth, yet she was still sucking fervently, Noah's penis would never stop being erect thanks to his amazing control over blood, but each time he ejaculated, the sensitiveness of his penis became sharper, making of the experience almost euphoric.

"Hahh… I-Iris…!"