Against Vayu, the Draconic Father of Storming Winds! 2



Noah quickly regenerated back from the mass of flesh, bones, and other twisting and gibbering body parts, as he quickly wrapped his claws into several layers of his soul, materialized them, and then punched Vayu's back, his claws reached deep into his flesh, easily piercing through his scales, and twisting his incredibly hard muscles.

The power of his blow sent the 70 meters tall dragon through the air as if he were a mere ragdoll, his entire body flowing with blood as he groaned in agony.


Vayu glared back at Noah while flying up into the air by the mere strength that Noah used to punch him, as he suddenly stopped himself from being sent into the airs ay longer by controlling the winds and pushing himself back up!


The winds gathered around his body once more, permeating him with semi-transparent coverture!