Showdown! Against Ocean Dragons! 2


Noah rushed into the Ocean Dragons with all of his strength and speed, resembling a blazing crimson-red meteor!

Having already slashed one into pieces with a single slash from Excalibur, he quickly rushed towards his next targets, as he saw his army of blood servants and vampires clash against the other gigantic draconic beasts around him!


Hearing the explosions and slashes of his allies as they slaughtered these beasts, Noah roared and opened his gigantic jaws, releasing a powerful beam towards the beasts down below, devastating five of them in one shot, and making them all explode in a chain reaction!


His breath attack was so explosive it made the creatures instantly explode into pieces, painting the sea with more and more blood and flesh pieces! Dropped items began to emerge too, making Noah realize that even dungeon monsters that escaped from the dungeon can drop items.